What cities/areas does Crystal Limo serve?
Primarily the Halifax Regional Municipality and all other cities and towns in Nova Scotia. We do, however, often provide service to cities in New Brunswick and PEI as well.

What are and how much are flat rates?
Flat rates are rates billed to services from and to selected destinations. Crystal Limo as a licensed limo service at Halifax International Airport follows the Halifax Airport flat rate lists. For more information, please visit http://hiaa.ca/transportation/taxi-limos/.

What forms of payment do you accept?
For your convenience, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit, and Cash, or we can invoice your company with prior credit approval.

What is the base fare?
The base fare refers to the cost of the ride before any discounts or additional charges, such as tolls, parking, highway fees,etc., are applied.

What is time based billing?
Time-based billing is used for rides to which a flat rate does not apply. You will be billed for the time the vehicle and chauffeur are available to you. Time-based rates are sometimes referred to as hourly rates. These rides are also subject to a positioning charge (see below).

What is a positioning charge?
The positioning charge refers to the cost incurred for the vehicle and chauffeur to travel to your pickup location and return from your drop-off point. Most time-based rides are subject to a fixed positioning charge, which is based on vehicle type and billed at 1 times the hourly rate. For time-based routes outside the Halifax Regional Municipality, there is a time-based positioning charge, which is based on actual travel time and billed at the hourly rate.

What is meant by waiting time?
Waiting time is defined as the length of time that elapses between a scheduled pickup, or in the case of airport pickups, the moment the client reports to the Ground Transportation Information office (GTI), and getting into the reserved vehicle. All trips have a ten-minute grace period, after which a charge of $10 is applied for every ten minutes a chauffeur is waiting.

What are stop charges?
Stop charges are billed one of two ways: Passenger-requested stops that are on route are charged at $10 per ten-minute increment.Passenger-requested stops that require significant deviation from the route are charged the applicable hourly rate for the complete ride.

How are tolls handled?
The rates for all airport and HRM service already include the toll fee, if any.

What additional fees may apply?
Additional fees are miscellaneous charges such as meals and beverages for large groups if required by the client.

How can I get a receipt?
If you forget to obtain your receipt after your ride or lose it, contact us and we’ll make sure you receive it by email, fax, or in person in a timely manner.

What personal information does Crystal Limo collect from me and why?
Crystal Limo collects from you personal information that we need to provide our services to you. The information we collect may include your name, home and business addresses, telephone number, email address and credit-card information. We also collect the preferences or special considerations you may provide to us. All information is confidential.

How does Crystal Limo use personal information?
Crystal Limo uses personal information to provide the superior service our clients expect from us. We use this information to make and confirm reservations, transport passengers, communicate with our clients and complete our billing process. Crystal Limo may  aggregate data about our clients to assess and improve our services and enhance our business processes.

Does Crystal Limo share personal information with anyone?
Crystal Limo does not sell to or share with others personal information about you. Crystal Limo may provide personal data to regulatory authorities and law enforcement officials in accordance with applicable law.